Ruth is Marketing Manager (Enterprise) for Exemplas; specialising in the marketing of support services to small and medium sized business owners as well as social enterprises. This includes marketing planning and strategy formation for the Exemplas Enterprise Support Services Division. In addition, Ruth heads up the devising, implementation and management of lead generation strategies to support a range of campaigns delivered across the division.
Previously, Ruth has been Head of Partnerships and Marketing for London Brokerage Ltd. Her role involved managing a team of seven staff covering the functions of Skills Adviser lead generation, training provider referrals and the influencing of London Brokerage key stakeholders including the Skills Funding Agency, Regional Development Agencies, Business Links, Job Centre Plus, Sector Skills Councils, Trade Associations and key training providers.
Ruth has worked for Exemplas for 15 years and in this time has had a number of roles, primarily within the marketing and communications function. As both Events Manager and Marketing Executive she has extensive knowledge of communicating the benefits of a wealth of business support and consultancy brands primarily to business-to-business markets, stakeholders and intermediaries. In her role as Marketing Executive, Ruth achieved a Postgraduate Diploma from the Chartered Institute of Marketing.
Ruth has also travelled and worked throughout the world. As an Adventure Tour Leader in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, she often had to provide strong leadership in very difficult situations. Back in the UK, she has translated this into convincing operational management of teams through transitional periods. Her international experience is backed up by her MA in Modern International Relations from the University of Leeds and a knowledge of the Arabic language gained from the School of International Studies (University of London).